Meadowbrook Farm
Meadowbrook Farm is 460 acres of scenic and historic public open space on the Snoqualmie Valley floor, located within the cities of Snoqualmie and North Bend. By oral tradition the birthplace of the Snoqualmie Tribe, "Hyas Kloshe Ilahee" (the Great Good Land) was maintained for thousands of years by the Snoqualmies as a hunting and food gathering prairie. Early white settlers homesteaded the prairie for farms, and these were consolidated during the late 1800's to form the world's largest hop ranch. Subsequent farmers raised crops, dairy herds, greenchop and hay.
The land was acquired as jointly owned public open space by Snoqualmie and North Bend in 1996 for historic and cultural interpretation, wildlife habitat, ongoing agriculture, and public recreation. Today, much of Meadowbrook Farm remains open meadow and wetland forest, as it has been for centuries.
The two cities established the Meadowbrook Farm Preservation Association, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, to manage the property, and implement its master site plan. Completion of a new Interpretive Center building on-site provides an all-weather focal point for public enjoyment and use of the farm.